02 July 2005


Term 1 is now complete, and I'm rather sad in a 'Wow, that was totally unexpected' sort of way. When I brought the kids back to the dorm for the last time yesterday we had a group hug and I was a little overwhelmed at how much I totally loved being around them every day...even if they did do stupid things and ignore directions sometimes. They'll always be my first class, and now I get to wonder what the next class will be like.

It's rather amazing how close Lee and I have gotten in just the span of three weeks. We went from not knowing each other at all to spending the better part of 12 hours together every day. The rest of the staff is wonderful: Keith, Michelle, Whitney, James, Samantha, the other James, Courtney, Jeremy, Laura (that's Lah-ruh to you pal), and so many others. I believe I've said it many times before, but they all rock.

And I'll get a chance to experience even more of the staff awesomeness when I move into the dorm this next week. That's right: for the first time since the first day of freshman year (which ended up being my only day living there), I will be living in a dormitory. I'll be closer to the rest of staff, I'll just drive home once a day rather than drive to Oliver twice or three times daily, and I'll be right across the street from the Rec, which is important since I've decided to start lifting actual weights again, rather than my year-long experiment with ProBodX. Which worked out fine when I was in the 98th percentile for fitness in my age group last summer from weightlifting, but for getting back into shape, maybe not so much. So this Tuesday morning at 6am, I begin my new workout schedule. This time I mean it. Seriously people. Shut up.

Anyway, just wanted to check in and say that I know this posting schedule is irregular, and I don't know how often I'll get to do it in the dorm since I won't have my computer on the internet, but whatever. 'Tis summer and I am having a blast with cool people and a cool job. Tonight we party; it will be a combination of bowling and a house in the country, and it will be supremo fun.

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I can neither whistle, nor blow bubbles with bubble gum.