11 March 2006

Five pages out, or, Wow I really now how to overdramatize things.

So I won't be dead on Monday. But I will be very somber with the end of my yearbook career, an end that came in the form of approximately 700 photos taken in an eight-night stretch, and the better part of 70 pages put together yesterday afternoon. The remaining few pages are just waiting to be graced by more RCR photos from tonight; tomorrow I put on the finishing touches, check for typos, preflight the PDFs, and make the CD that will be FedExed same-day on Monday to the plant. By the week of Stop Day, we will have 805 copies of the Jayhawker Annual 2006 sitting in the Kansas Union. It's an incredible feeling, knowing that I was able to pull this off; once again my thirst for drama and pressure has saved my ass. Thankfully I had RCR; without them I would have 30 empty pages. All those crotch shots were not in vain, after all.

On a related note, CinderEllie was truly the best overall show, but I thought Joes & Dolls had the better original song, In the Club should've received best use of sets, and Rockin' the Boat got robbed of best costumes. None of you care.

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