07 May 2005


This morning was the swan song for my former journalism advisor: Allen Wilhite. He received the Jackie Engel Award for Journalism Teacher of the Year, and was also inducted into the KSPA Hall of Fame. Despite my command of the English language I'm afraid I cannot truly state here how much he has meant to me over the years, so I'll just say that I do very much wish him well in the years to come, and that Lew Perkins is indeed a douchebag for pricing Mr. Wilhite out of his KU football tickets.

In other news, the KSPA state contest was fun. I got to impress some yearbook vendors and some high schoolers (and meet a super cool girl from Cimarron; maybe she'll even read this blog) when I served as the speaker/subject for the feature writing competition, in which they had to write a story about yours truly and the work I did with the yearbook this year. They really had to twist my arm to get me to do that.

When I got home a fresh batch of DVDs was waiting for me, so I watched Man on Fire first thing. It was fantastic; the perfect combination of violence and grief, a wonderful juxtaposition of vengeance and atonement. Plus, the one thing I was looking forward to most: the subtitles. Because I am, after all, a resident of font geekdom.

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