26 January 2006


Because, obviously, one futuristic sci-fi action movie featuring a pretty girl as a trained assassin capable of taking on entire armies in a fight for mankind while canning the most crappy one-liners of dialogue ever ... wasn't enough. Anybody who thinks the traditional Hollywood studio/creative structure needs protection should be forced to watch those movies with their eyelids taped open.

Granted, however, this is not the worst punishment imaginable. That would be watching Michael Douglas or Tim Robbins trying to exude any notion that they might still be capable of having sex.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are many instances in which I do not feel guilty about owning illegal copies of movies. Aeon Flux is one, because I never would've paid money for it - but for free, it was an amusing movie. Harold and Kumar is another, because I've spent so much money watching it so many times that I think I've bought it 3x over.

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