30 March 2005


I just came back from a free screening of the film CSA, directed by KU's own Kevin Willmott (who happens to be the nicest freaking guy I may have ever met in my life when I took his portrait last year for the Jayhawker) and it. Was. Spectacular. I'd been waiting an entire year to see this movie and I am thrilled that it has been picked up by IFC Films for distribution this summer. I was looking forward to taking Prof. Willmott's 'Anti-War Films' course next fall through the American Studies dept., but now I cannot wait for it.

While it did take several flights of fancy in reimagining the course of American & world history (without the allies winning World War 1, there would have been different conditions in Germany that would have assuredly prevented the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party, as just one example), the film was still a very remarkable effort in capturing a greater social context for just what life would be like in a slave-owning nation. The packaging of the film as a British-made documentary being broadcast in the US was a nice touch, as it allowed for updated commercials using true historical advertising. The film had just the right amount of awkwardness and humour to really connect the idea that we were truly just a few steps away from all of this playing out.

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