12 December 2005

Tidings of comfort and joy.

One of the things about not having TV is that you miss the little things, like this 'War on Christmas' exchange between Sam Seder and Bob Knight (no, probably not *that* Bob Knight) that Atrios managed to capture for us. How the Santa Claus/Al Queda link somehow escaped us is beyond me.

I'd very much prefer not to take these people seriously, but I have a feeling that sometime soon I'm not gonna have a choice. I knew this whole thing was out of hand when Bill O'Reilly a few weeks said that 'Every business in America should be on their knees thanking Jesus for being born and giving us the Christmas shopping season.' Because yes Bill, the non-existence of day-after-Thanksgiving sales is the only way our world would be changed in the past 2,000 years had Christ not been born. What an ignorant pusswad.

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