30 July 2006

Things I Love, #81.

All nine minutes of my new favorite song, "Thin Blue Line" from Josh Ritter. It's about the most amazing songwriting I've ever listened to. And then I read the lyrics, and I couldn't contain myself.
At night I make plans for a city laid down
Like the hips of a girl on the spring covered ground
Spirals and capitals like the twist of a script
Streets named for heroes that could almost exist
The fruit trees of Eden and the gardens that seem
To float like the smoke from a lithium dream
Cedar trees growing in the cool of the squares
The young women walking in the portals of prayer
And the future glass buildings and the past an address
And the weddings in pollen and the wine bottomless
And all wrongs forgotten and all vengeance made right
The suffering verbs put to sleep in the night
The future descending like a bright chandelier
And the world just beginning and the guests in good cheer
In Royal City I fell into a trance
Oh it’s hell to believe there ain’t a hell of a chance

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I can neither whistle, nor blow bubbles with bubble gum.