19 June 2006

Second day in.

I have eight minutes until evening lecture, but I'd like to fill you in on vaunted Columbia University: it's tiny. Also, it sucks. The buildings are crap, we eat on paper plates (our one entree selection at lunch and dinner; breakfast is a continental buffet in the room where the Pulitzers are announced), there was no hot water in the showers this morning, and we just now got our computer lab. Which isn't stopping me from making an excursion to the Apple Store in midtown at my earliest convenience, which will probably be the three and a half hours of downtime we have tomorrow afternoon (we had nearly six hours total today for lunch and dinner; why not squeeze the schedule into five weeks instead of six, then?), so that I can get a MacBook. No witty closing line tonight; gotta go learn about book reviewing.

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