20 August 2006

"He's a freak." "Yes, he really is."

Thus sayeth the commentators on CBS right now, regarding the most dominant athlete of any sport, ever.

ETA: Okay, I probably wasn't the first to ever claim that, but I did say it before this guy.

1 comment:

Outlaw Genius said...

I forgot about Karelin. That man was a beast. No really. He weighed 15lbs. at birth...in Siberia.

When you compare careers, in one decade Tiger Woods has a 25% win rate. Karelin, in one decade of world-class competition (before that gold-medal match in Sydney), was 100%. But in terms of changing the nature of the sport, golf will literally never be the same at the professional level because of Tiger.

My pick for greatest athlete, pound-for-pound? Naim Suleymanoglu. One of four men to ever lift three times his own bodyweight in the clean & jerk, he set 46 world records and came back twice after his retirement to win at the Olympics. The epitome of bad-assery.

If the movie theater had WiFi, I would soooo liveblog during Beerfest.

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