13 August 2006


So since my last week in NYC I've gotten an inordinate number of people saying "Oh I'm reading your blog!" To which my standard response is "Wow, I thought only three people in the world read this thing, and I was two of them."

This has had a disconcerting side effect though in that I find myself invariably doing some self-censorship on here, which I rather dispise. The whole purpose of this blog was to be a creative outlet for all of the things going on with/around me, or the detrius I find on the internet. There wasn't going to be a topic off-limits, and my life was to be an open-book (though admittedly, one that only I would write). Anyway, I'm now walking the tight-rope that accompanies being famous. If anybody has something they would like for me to talk about, I'm taking requests.*

*First person to 'request' Freebird will get and I mean pummeled with their own shoe while they sleep. Lynard Skynard, my ass.

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I can neither whistle, nor blow bubbles with bubble gum.