06 August 2006

In Defence of the Best Action Movie Ever.

People keep complaning about the lack of character development in the remake of Miami Vice. About how there isn't one real line of dialogue in the entire script. About the way the plot moves along without seeming no regard to whether it should.

Let me make this very clear: WHY THE FUCK SHOULD ANY OF THAT MATTER? HM? If I see the names Michael Mann, Jamie Foxx and Colin Farrell involved in a production, I'm not expecting Pride and Fucking Prejudice. Once the words 'go-fast boats' are uttered, that's all the dialogue I need. Hell, Mann even managed to pull off my one pet peeve about action movies–love interests–without fucking up the movie; indeed, the inclusion of Gong Li was an inspired choice, and I believe the way that Isabella and Crockett managed their affairs were entirely in tune with their characters: bold, brutal, and fleeting. Besides, with the digital production, the cinematography, and thus the action scenes, had a feel to them that made this movie very unique; you could almost taste Miami in this film in its lightning-backed, mojito-fueled grittiness.

Was Miami Vice the most intricate action movie I've seen? That honor probably belongs to Ronin. Batman Begins was astounding in its retelling of a much-familiar story, with great action and toys to boot. And Jason Statham of the Transporter fame is, in the words of your humble correspondent, the greatest badass in the history of badassery. But for wrapping it altogether and making me want more, for making the tactics and gunplay so believable I almost couldn't stand it, and most impressively, for making me think that perhaps South Florida wouldn't be a bad place to live after all, Miami Vice is the new standard.

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