Just now, on the phone:
Ryan: So Whit took off already?
Lee: Yeah, she's in Dallas on her way to Boston; I sat with her until she left. But yeah, Dallas, what an odd layover. You'd think that there'd be a flight that went from KCI to, say, LaGuardia and then on to Boston.
Ryan: At a certain point, you almost consider flying to New York and then taking the train up. Because then at least you have the piece of mind of knowing you're going, you know, north. "Hey, northeast, that's a good direction!"
Lee: "Towards New England! What a fantastic idea!"
Ryan: We had our career fair this morning.
Lee: Did you start buildin' some hurtin' bombs?
Ryan: God I wish I had said that just to create some excitement in the room.
Lee: Actually, I watched that trailer and I love the whole 'To beat this guy you need speed. You ain't got it. You have calcium deposits on most of your joints, so sparring is out. We're gonna need some, uh, raw physical strength to beat him.' And I'm just like "what?"
Ryan: *laughing* Exactly! How do they make that connection from 'calcium deposits on your joints' to 'blunt force trauma'? We're talking about the physiology of a 60-year-old man!
Lee: How about, you know, not fighting a 25-year-old!? I think that gets around the concern for calcium deposits.
Ryan: And if he can't spar, then how can he box?!
Lee: It should be fun to watch though.
Ryan: Yeah, but I keep reciting that scene to people here and they don't even respond. And I'm like "Come on!"
Lee: Rocky IV ended the Cold War; this is going to end the crisis in the Middle East!!
Ryan: *falling down from laughter*
Lee: [He's saying something really fucking funny here but in our laughter, I couldn't hear it.–Ed.] *continuing laughter* Oh, god.
Ryan: *can't stop laughing* Wow.
Ryan: Is yours a direct flight to Atlanta? Or do you have a layover in Minneapolis?
Lee: No, heh, it's direct. But Minneapolis would not be out of line, probably.
Ryan: I like a good layover in Boise when I'm headed out east, myself.
Lee: Whit was telling me about a flight her brother was taking, I guess, from Boston to the city in South Dakota [Note he said "THE city in SD", which is fucking funny.–Ed.], uh, Pierre, and he had a layover in Salt Lake City, and I think one in DC, and maybe another one.
Ryan: South Dakota is *in* the contiguous 48 states, right? I mean, I'm not imagining that?
Lee: I don't know man.
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