19 February 2006

Forza Italia.

I would apologize for the lack of posts about anything other the Olympics this past week, but I could give a damn. Not since Atlanta in '96 have I had this much fun watching an Olympics. Throughout the 60 hours so far that I've devoted myself to, I've been picking up on all sorts of little things about each sport: skidding in the bobsled, tucking in the downhill, lifting on the ski jump. Indeed the big surprise for me has been my newfound fascination with figure skating; tonight's ice dancing performances have made me repent for all the laughs I ever gave to comedians who made fun of this event.

And after yesterday's superb documentary on the 'Great Race', the 4x10km men's cross-country relay in Lillehammer '94 in which Italy upset the heavily-favored Norwegians on home-snow, I was even more excited about the fourth installment of that famed rivalry. Ultimately, one of these years the race would have to be a blow-out, and this time it was Italy coming in first, a minute and fifteen seconds in front of Norway; regardless of margin of victory, the party was on in Torino and Italy, and it seems to have simply poured fuel onto the fire to carry these games through this last week of competition. Exams, yearbook, and Pancake Day notwithstanding, I'll carry on as well.

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