26 February 2006

I can stop watching TV and have my life back!

[Compliments to Jeff for the title of this post.] Yes, my grand, unprecedented Olympic viewing experience is now complete. There are many, many things I could say about the Torino Games, but for right now I'd like to cap it with these few thoughts:

In such a magnificent stadium and setting, on such a special night...Ricky fucking Martin?

I have a serious crush on Mary Carillo.

I don't even want to know how many athletes have already gotten laid over there tonight.

I did go buy the Bode Miller autobiography. This is like when I finally started rooting for Howard Dean just as all of his momentum evaporated. Yes, a lot like that, but not really.

Bob Costas is getting on my nerves more often than usual.

And my videotape for the last day of competition and the ceremonies ended at literally the very second that the traditional closing montage on NBC ended. If that's not a sign, I don't know what is. Buona notte, all.

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