11 June 2006

TIP KU 06: The Pool.

For those of you who have no idea what TIP is, you can skip this. But I wanted to go ahead and make some predictions on how the first term will go, as it started today:

First kid to get written up: The boy who will streak naked into a now-off-limits girl's floor.
When it will happen: It probably already has. If not, then 7am tomorrow.
First doorway to have a finger stuck in it: Fraser Hall.
Exclamation upon this happening: 'Gadzooks, that was most inopportune and vacous of me; thou art doltish! Kindly please do open this entryway back up again that I might extract my forefinger and put a cold compress on it, posthaste!'
First couple caught making out: They probably already have. If not, then lunch tomorrow.
First trip to Watkins: Tuesday.
First trip to hospital: First 'ultimate' evening activity.
Location of first 'lost' kid: Hastings. Seriously, where else?
First broken bone: In honor of the World Cup, a metatarsal.
Kids who will boogie at the first dance: 30%.
Kids who will be reading at the first dance: 25%.
Action deserving of the first gold star: Finding the secret five-min., no stairs route from Oliver to Fraser.
Instructor to make their kids walk while holding lanyards: Mackey. He's old-school like that.
First evening activity to get suspended, then reinstated: Lacrosse. (Ha! Ha! I'll never get hired by Duke again.)

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