06 June 2006

Worst night of sleep *ever*.

So I didn't go back to bed until 2:30am, but it still took me a while to get to sleep. I remember waking and laying in bed, probably about 3:30 or 4am, because of a dream and being irrationally frightened at the thought of a possible curse/hex, notably of somebody coming into my apartment and killing me or of my heart exploding in my chest (so, uh, thanks Lee for the story about the girl with the failing liver). I woke up for good just a few minutes ago at 6:15am, 45min. before my alarm. So I downed a Clif Shot with some Gatorade, and I guess I'll go ahead and go to the Rec. But yeah, that's the last time I take a monster nap in the afternoon followed by coffee at night when I've been having trouble with a regular sleep schedule for the past three weeks. I mean, damn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the decision. For the next year you'll be in New York...right? Or no? Something like that?

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