29 June 2006

Turn on the bright lights, pt. 2.

Times Square, for those who have never seen it at night, is amazing. It's actually quite small, but is the most incredible intersection of humanity and commercialism I've ever seen. I was already a committed capitalist, and while trying on Swatches, I knew I had joined the winning team.

Anyway, as impressive as that was, I'm still in love with the subway. I found a book last week at Strand called 'The Island at the Center of the World' about when the Dutch ruled New York, and now I want '722 Miles' about the building of this incredible system below the streets. I get the same feeling of excitement and wonderment watching the subway train roll toward me as I do when I stick my head out of our 9th floor bathroom windows to look up and down Broadway. I wonder if I'll ever lose that feeling. God I hope not.

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