11 May 2005


I'm gonna be honest with you: I spend an assload of time on the internet. An unbelievable amount of time really, just dicking around and for the most part checking the same damn websites about two hundred times a day, so I love coming across new sites. But if I had to choose one webpage as the supremo place to waste I-kid-you-not hours, that would have to be the Lists at McSweeney's Internet Tendency [check the linkie to your right]. Nowhere near your standard top-ten lists, they are submitted by users who believe just as strongly in unintentional ironic comedy as I do. I have my own favorite lists to savour here, but for an instant classic go to Brainstorming Ted Nugent's Vegan Cookbook; humour never had it so good.

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I can neither whistle, nor blow bubbles with bubble gum.