12 April 2005

The ignorant, non-news-reading public can blow me.

Sorry if the headline is a bit strong but if this morning's post from Gothamist is true, then the New York Times is but the latest victim of the sickeningly short attention spans of the American people. I first encountered this with Rolling Stone a couple years ago when they went to a British-style 'laddie' editor who wanted to chop up everything in order to catch the younger readership that apparently does everything but read.

I cannot tell you how sickeningly angry this makes me. At what point do we just say "You know what, let's just take USA Today's little graphs and expand them by condensing everything down into easy-to-swallow news bites in pretty colors"? I mean it. Just once I would like to see a news editor grow some balls and tell his writers & copy editors to go full speed the other way; publishing shorter and shorter stories becomes self-perpetuating, and it will result in the destruction of society and the English language. Just like instant messenger.

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