20 April 2005


So I've noticed, after going to the Rec again for a few days, that with the new workout clothes that I got for Christmas I probably look like a freak of some sort. I got some Nike Pro shirts, which if you're up to date on your state-of-the-art exercise apparel then you know they're tight. Very tight. Which they're supposed to be, as it's compression gear, built to provide support and yet still allow range of motion, all the while wicking away sweat.

All this is by way of saying that I don't think anybody down at the Rec is wearing anything this flattering to the human body. I love the shirts as I'm still the lean machine that I was months ago and so they give me a really nice profile, but we're talking the KU Rec Center, not Muscle Beach. Oh well, I really wasn't self-conscious enough all the time anyway.

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