The past few days have been too hectic for traditional narrative, so you get bullet-points.
• Our softball game was cancelled due to a forfeit from the other team. The bats of thunder stay in the bag for another week.
• So I used that time to rearrange my bedroom, thus completing phase two of Ryan's Apartment Makeover of '05.
• Schooner night was fun; I felt this week's schooner a little more than last time, which is a little disquieting. A night of fabulousness all around.
• Up at 8am to make sure I had everything that was supposed to go home. Stopped at Old Navy at 9am as my mom had sent me a coupon for $10 off; went crazy from the dearth of good specials, so I only got a couple pairs of shorts and yet another freaking California tee. What can I say?
• Got back to Humboldt and promptly had to go to the local grocer to get detergent. I ran into a former teacher and she said that the town newspaper had shut its doors without a word in the previous week's issue; the only paper left in town now is the high school Cub Tracks. The idea was floated for me to come back and run the paper; the idea was promptly shot down and beaten into the ground. And then burned.
• After lunch with the sister and the grandma, I rushed through my laundry so I could try to beat traffic on the way up. Was unsuccessful in this, as apparently a contest was being held to see how many cuss words we could get Ryan to shout in his car in the span of an hour and a half.
• Helped Tim figure out just how many bratwursts to buy for the aptly named 1st Annual Beer & Brat Festival, Sponsored by the Church of Beer for Saturday. Convinced him to get more than 20; would prove to be very much prescient in this.
• After unloading the books from my bookshelves and preparing my living room furniture to be moved, was talked into going to the baseball game instead. Left early so I could come back and rearrange everything, which I did myself (not that hard actually). I loooove my living room now; it's exactly what I had in mind for a while now, and since I cut off my cable TV this week, I could do it without worrying about the connections.
• J&M&Tim put together the grill, then took the box to make signs for the 1AB&BF. Jeff is the Archbishop of St. James Gate; Michelle is Sister Smirnoff; Tim is the Buddha of Brew; I am the Right Honourable Minister for Pale Ales. Tim also made signs saying 'Go Beer, Beat Brats' and 'Go Brats, Spill Beer', as the pretense for all of this was the Blue & White Game on Sat.
• Almost all attempts at homework failed in light of the bratwursts. Will try again Sunday.
• Had my first ever beer brat; quickly had a second opinion, and would later desire a third. Tim had purchased 30, of which only two would ultimately be left. I also had another Boulevard Zon that I had purchased Friday; very very nice beer, perfect for a weekend like this.
• Played catch with Jeff on the Hill for the better part of two hours on the most beautiful spring evening I've seen in my life. Girls sunbathing on the Hill would've been nice too, even if it was like 7pm.
• Went to Henry T's with pleasant company; apparently there is something about Shiner Bock that compels me to order it every single time I go out. Oh, I know: it's fucking good.
• As stated above, there will be homework. There must be homework; I've put it off long enough with the B&BF and the apt. makeover and whatnot.
There might have been other things that happened in this timeframe but I'm tired of this now and I wish to write in more than declarative statements and sentence fragments.
And never will.
17 April 2005
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- On the joy of softball on the Hill, followed by a ...
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